Even after going through a decade of wait, Half Life fans are still composed and believe that Half Life 3 will get released eventually. Of course, there are some section of the fans that are already showing signs of cracks when they start wondering on why Half Life 3 is not produced by another developer.
Yes, it is true that Half Life and Half Life 2 expansions were all developed by a third party developer but this must not be the case for Half Life 3. There are two possible reasons for this and they all involved the original creator, Valve.
For starters, Valve is incredibly devoted to not releasing anything until they deem it perfect, or ready for a debut. Thus, this could be why Half Life 3 got delayed, not because of third party developers.
The second reason is because Valve is not dumb enough to hand their biggest jewel in history to another entity. There is no explanation needed for Half Life 3 being the biggest gaming title in anticipation since the beginning of times. Clearly, Valve wishes to develop Half Life 3 on their own.
With that being said, there is no need for Valve to get on the phone and call up some game manufacturers. They can manage Half Life 3 on their own but the sucky part is with the wait.