Mass Effect 4 Can Wait As Mass Effect 3.5 By Uber Fan Arrives

Mass Effect 4 is in production right now, and the fans are going bonkers over it. Most fans can’t wait for the fourth episode to come out, while one has taken it upon himself to rewrite the entire Mass Effect 3 storyline.

Gerry Pugliese said he was really disappointed with Mass Effect 3 and its ending, so took to writing a 539-page document – his rendition of the game. A lot of fans were upset with how things turned out, but only Gerry has written up a storm over it.

Pugliese took a year to write it, and he’s covered pretty much everything there was in Mass Effect 3 – scripts, scenarios, powers, romances, character class, DLC, enemies and all sorts. He did well, too, producing a nicely written and thought out story.

We saw the end of Shepard and his crew in Mass Effect 3, BioWare has been insistent about this. He went out in a bad way, as well.

Pugliese made notes about what happened so that he could make a better ending for Mass Effect 3. This guy has some talent and it’d be no great shame if he got approached by a dev team to make things happen.

These ideas are great – read them all here!

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