Qualcomm has just announced their new Snapdragon 835 Processor revealing some of the upgrades that the Snapdragon 835 will be getting. One of the upgrades that the processor will be getting is the new QuickCharge feature.
The new processor will come with the new QuickCharge 4 which will help shorten the charging time of the device. According to Qualcomm, the QuickCharge 4 will extend the usage time of the device by 5 hours just by charging for 5minutes. They also added that the new QuickCharge 4 is going to be 20% faster and 30% higher efficiency compared to Quick Charge 3.0
The new QuikCharge 4.0 will be competing with the other techs like the Samsung Adaptive Fast Charging and the Super VOOC Fast Charge from Oppo. With the new upgrade, you won’t need to hog that power outlet for such a long time now.
As for the processor itself, besides offering better performance, it will also be smaller this time with 40% lower power consumption.