Rise Of The Tomb Raider: PS4 Version To Arrive Earlier Than Expected

People did not really care that Microsoft had the Rise of the Tomb Raider secured for their Xbox One as nobody really expected the game to actually turn out good but with all the positive reviews the game has been getting, Sony players are beginning to feel a little left out.

Especially now that the PC version of the Rise of the Tomb Raider was released on the PC last week. It was initially predicted that we might be getting the game late this year or early next year but it looks like we might not have to wait that long as Amazon has already started taking pre-orders for the game.

Fans of the game can now pre-order the Rise of the Tomb Raider from Amazon. It also states that the game will be release on te 30th of December this year but fans believe that the game will arrive earlier.

It is believed that we will be hearing about the Sony version of the game around E3 and that the game will be arriving in November 2016.

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