Resident Evil 7 May Find Capcom’s Own As An Obstacle

One of the most popular gaming franchises around is definitely Resident Evil. The game offer players that hair-raising experience when playing the game. At least that was how it was with the first trilogy.

Ever since Resident Evil 4, the series has changed lane, opting for an all action approach instead of the heart throbbing horror. The worse was with the latest Resident Evil 6 which sees and explosion of anger among the fans.

The Resident evil community has had enough of the game trying to be a Call of Duty wannabe and are demanding Capcom to restore the traditional gameplay that is missing from it.

With Resident Evil 7 already in the makings, it is do or die for Capcom. While the genre shift is liked by the new generation of gamers, the existing fans which strongly outnumbered the newbies hated it and threaten to quit on the Resident Evil franchise.

After all, another game looks set to cater these horror desires. The Evil Within is nearing its release and it promises a jam-packed horror gameplay. The game had just released a teaser trailer and it looks great. Capcom better start re-thinking the direction for Resident Evil or risk losing the fans. Protection Status