Resident Evil 7 Confirmed By Capcom, Sort Of

For the last three Resident Evil games, Capcom have been stubborn in pushing for a more action-oriented gameplay. It resulted in the company being the centre of criticism from the fans. With Resident Evil 7 fast in development, Capcom has finally responded to the fans’ complains.

According to AssociatedNews, Michael Pattison revealed the loud voices of the fans are definitely heard. The former Capcom marketing leader explained that the genre shift was meant to appeal the new generation of gamers. At the same time, there is the worry for getting good review scores.

After three title released, Capcom is finally giving the fans what they’ve always wanted. Michael confirmed that the horror genre will be restored. This is after the game developer witnessing The Last of Us being a success. It was believed that the horror genre is dead but now Capcom is confident it will deliver.

However, things are going the fans way with Resident Evil 7. Michael claims that the upcoming sequel will return to its traditional horror roots. The lad revealed that The Last of Us has been pretty successful with what it has done which means that there is some success with the horror content. Protection Status