Pokemon X & Y: A Half Dozen New Mega Evolutions Revealed!

The sixth generation Pokemon games certainly changes the way fans view Pokemon. This is due to the introduction of Mega evolutions in the latest Pokemon X & Y game.

This new addition was greatly influenced by the Digimon series which widely practices mega-evolutions. In Pokemon X & Y, many starters Pokemon are able to evolve further.

A video has become the subject to every discussion in the Pokemon universe. The video, titled ‘Pokemon XY: The Mega Evolution Act 1’, will be released in Japan next week and it will unveil the future mega evolutions coming into the game.

There are six Pokemon involved and they are Mega Venasaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Aggron, Absol and Garchomp. The video will be aired on Tokyo TV on 3 April next week. It will be 30minutes long and will see a trainer called Alan trying to defeat all six mega Pokemon.

A good rating is expected for the story. After all, Pokemon is a huge franchise and there can be no wrong with it. You can check out the teaser video bleow.

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