It is with great sympathy for the Half Life community as they’ve waited a decade for Half Life 3 and there is still no sign of the game coming into production. This long wait has driven the fans nuts.
While most of the fans still behave decently, one unknown fan went overboard and did some hacking on a major website. For two long minutes, Reddit’s sub-website, r/gaming, got its entire page replaced by a Half Life 3 announcement.
The millions of gamers who surf on Reddit at that time can only see their screens turned black with a dull statement, “Half Life 3 confirmed.”
The notice was linked to the Nigerian Electronic Army’s Twitter account. This profile is believed to be a hacking outfit which have been harassing multiple subReddits over the past week.
Nevertheless, the webmaster responded efficiently to restore the website back to its normal state. The gaming industry is certainly buzzing about this and Valve is the villain behind this.
If the game developer were to be more straightforward instead of evasive, such a thing wouldn’t have happened.