Amazon Fire Phone Review: Poor Specs, Rich Price

Amazon used to be just an online retailer. Now, it is also the brand of smartphones and tablets. After months of anticipation, Amazon has finally launched its very first smartphone, the Fire Phone.

Unlike mainstream devices from other manufacturer, the Fire Phone is developed to be something different. For starters, there are 5 cameras on the front-side of the phone. One will function to take your selfies while the other 4 is used to track you head movement. This way, the screen will keep on projecting a pop out 3D image on your eyes.

The other great feature of the Fire Phone is with its supercharged barcode scanner called Firefly. Just by snapping on everything around you, firefly will search for the items in the image and check if it is on sale. If it was numbers, then Firefly will prompt you to save it in your phone book.

All in all, the Fire Phone is as unique as it gets when compared to the mainstream devices. It has features never seen before and it is equipped with some of the best techs ever. However, the basic processors are poorly done which explains why the Fire Phone is slow. On top of that, the device is unfairly priced at $650.

For us, the Fire Phone is a device that shouldn’t cost more than $500. It is considered to be a mid-tier smartphone with some alien like abilities. The Fire Phone is everything that Amazon feels should be on a smartphone and if you fancy something out of this world, then the Fire Phone is for you.

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