Fans of The Last Guardian are probably butthurt by the recent announcement which claims that the game has been cancelled from its production. The announcement was reported by IGN and it went viral ever since.
Now, we have some great news for the fans. IGN is wrong and The Last Guardian is still on track to its release. It appears that the Facebook and Twitter posts that says, “The Last Guardian is officially cancelled”, was untrue.
Looking at the full article, the story cited, “Sources Claims”. This is totally misleading as there is no way of it being official when the cancellation was made by some unknown sources. It is not something that is claimed by the people working on The Last Guardian.
The misleading announcement is in fact, a perfect example of click-bait journalism. This is where the hosting website posts something sensational to get viewers, before correcting it later. It is a cheap move to juice out as much ad revenue as possible.
All in all, fans can be certain that The Last Guardian will be coming in the near future. Perhaps, fans should be a little more careful when it comes to believing information from here on.