SIMs 4 Cheats, Includes Interaction (List)

Sims 4 has already been released and it is regarded as the most challenging game in the franchise’s history. Many players were left frustrated as they were unable to afford a large house or even keep their Sims alive. Now, there is a shortcut to overcome this madness. We have got our hands on the … Read more

Apple iOS 8: A Bug’s Sanctuary

Back in June, every Apple fan was excited for the iOS 8. Today, however, there are more complains than compliments for the iOS 8. It seems that many iPhone users are experiencing countless bugs in their device. Among the problems faced are with the laggy performance issues, poor sound, slow Safari and many more. There … Read more

iPhone 6 vs HTC One M8 and Galaxy S5: Is The Apple Wonder Really That Good

Just last week, Apple amazed the world with the iPhone 6. The latest smartphone is revealed to last longer and perform faster than its predecessors. Then again, the same was said for the HTC One M8 and the Samsung Galaxy S5. Now that the iPhone 6 is out, let’s compare the three smartphones. Between the … Read more Protection Status