Resident Evil 2 Remake: Want The Fans Actually Wants

We are glad that Capcom actually decided to remake the Resident Evil 2 game but we are hoping that they will not only be giving it a graphic update and we are not alone.

While we are more than happy with the original game, some changes here and there would be nice. Fans are hoping that Capcom would actually play around with the viewpoint of the game. Some fans suggested that the game should now be an over the shoulder game so that it will be a lot scarier to play.

We are not sure that over the shoulder would really help but it will be interesting to play the game from another angle.

One thing we do hope they will be keeping is the whole horror and intense vibe. One of the reasons why Resident Evil 2 was fun was because it was really intense and scary and we missed that in the last few games. Protection Status