More Claims Point To Fallout 4’s Announcement At E3

Ever since news on Bethesda acquiring a full one-hour conference slot at E3 went public, fans of the Fallout franchise are expecting Fallout 4 to get announced then. Now, this belief is further supported by popular industry insider, shinobi602.

The lad has got a great track record for being spot on in revealing information in a very subliminal way. Shinobi602 also confirms on things without raising too much hope, sounding ridiculous or appearing serious too.

Just yesterday, a Fallout fan sent a query to shinobi602 to hear his thoughts on Fallout 4 on E3. The latter responded quickly and with the quote “…that’s a safe assumption”. This has led to another Twitter user to ask shinobi602 to rate on the likeliness of the announcement on a scale of 1-10. The insider responded with an 11.

Of course, this is just blatantly talking and speculating. Yes, shinobi602 might be a legit insider and knows something fans don’t but it is still safer to take it with a pinch of salt. Protection Status