Microsoft Lumia 950: Will History Repeat Itself

To own a smartphone, you will first have to decide what operating system you would like to try out. Right on top of it all is Android and iOS and then there is the Windows 10 and in the past, Blackberry.

With Blackberry now going down the Android route like everybody else, those looking for an alternative to the Android and iOS will be looking at the Windows 10. Th question now is how long will Microsoft and their Windows 10 last before they join Blackberry?

Those brave enough to cross over to the over side of the river has mostly good things to say about the Microsoft Lumia 950 and the Windows 10 OS that it is running on. According to them, the Windows 10 allows users to work without having to carry around their laptop or stay stuck to their desktop and that is essentially what Microsoft have been working towards to.

The only problem here is the weak app store. Those using the Microsoft Lumia 950 will tell you now that there are not a lot of times where they find themselves in need of an app that the Windows 10 app store does not offer but it is still a fact that app developers priority is not Windows but Android or iOS.

We do think that there might be a chance Microsoft will make it but only if more people (developers and users) are actually willing to give them a try. Do you agree? Protection Status