Fallout 5: Looking Like It Suppose To

The Fallout franchise is one of the most popular game franchise and it is considered one of the best AAA game we have right now. Because of that, players are expecting the game to offer the best there is in terms of graphic but if you have played the Fallout 4 game, you will know that in terms of graphic, the Fallout 4 game is far behind some of the more impressive games we saw last year.

The new Fallout 4 game was developed using the same engine that Bethesda used to develop Skyrim and while Skyrim looked impressive when it was first released, the graphic of games have improved a whole lot since then.

We have seen how impressive games like look. Take a look at Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 and then take a look at Fallout 4 and you will be able to see how bad the Fallout 4 graphic is.

Hopefully, Fallout 5 will look like the AAA game that it is when it arrives.

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