The upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 looks set debut on April 11 after being unveiled earlier this month. This latest device from Samsung is equipped with all the latest hardwares and tech innovations. As such, the Galaxy S5 will have a hefty price tag to it.
Fans of the Galaxy line of phones can still get the S5 for the cheap. Of course, that is if they are able to find the best value to trade in their Galaxy S3 or S4. The condition of the device plays an important role in determining its value.
A well-kept Galaxy S3 can be sold for $100 whereas the Galaxy S4 at $200. The latter is more than enough to secure a Galaxy S5 with a two-year contract which costs $199.
However, it is important for users to know that their Galaxy devices will see a plunge in its price after the Galaxy S5 gets released. As such, it is important to act now in order to avoid further losses. We have compiled a list of vendors that has the best offer for your old devices. You can refer below.
Galaxy S4: $187
Galaxy S3: $104
Galaxy S4: $134
Galaxy S3: $77
Galaxy S4: $298
Galaxy S3: $218
Both Nextworth and Gazelle will take in your phone without any hassle. Glyde might be offering the best price around but it will look for buyers. Once found, the company will take profit from the resale value and a shipping package will be sent to you. Once the product is sent to the buyer, the seller will get their cut of the device.
So, have you decided on which to go for?