Over the months, there has been much talk on the upcoming gaming title, Titanfall. This Microsoft-exclusive title showed a lot of potential and got so popular, even before its release. Titanfall looks set to be an AAA grade game and Microsoft’s biggest rival, Sony, has been showing its desires to have it.
Today, this upcoming First-person Shooter title from Respawn found itself in a thug of war. A well-known insider, Thuway, revealed that Microsoft is trying to completely secure Titanfall whereas Sony is trying to acquire a deal for the game. If it wasn’t for the exclusivity deal signed between Sony and Electronic Arts, Titanfall will be a cross-platform title.
This hustle and tussle for Titanfall appears to be benefiting Respawn the most. Regardless of what the outcome will be, Respawn’s president, Vince Zampella, will have the biggest smile.
There has been word that Titanfall will be ported over to the PS4. In spite of that, another famous insider, Pete Dodd, revealed that no such thing has occurred.
The most likely conclusion in this saga is with Microsoft getting all the rights to Titanfall. The game will also be launched on the PS4. All in all, it will be another case similar to Call of Duty.