Mass Effect 4 Story Paths Visualized

The Mass Effect trilogy of games has been described by fans as being awesome. Not long back the developer said that they were working on Mass Effect 4 and this had fans jumping up and down in excitement.

Since Mass Effect 4 was announced gamers have been taking to the internet to talk about the game. The latest news has been about plotlines of the game.

Gamers who played the series have enjoyed being able to start on the new game where the prior game ended and this has led them to wonder how Mass Effect 4 will start and if it will continue from where Mass Effect 3 left off.

Gamers enjoyed the extended cut DLC which came out and which provided Mass Effect with an alternative ending to the Reapers winning the war and made slaves of everything in the universe. So who knows how Mass Effect 4 could actually continue from where it left off.

Some fans said that Bioware will have made sure that it doesn’t. when Mass Effect 4 comes out it will arrive on the next gen consoles and saved games from the current gen are not going to be compatible.

SilentMobius on Reddit said that they thought Mass Effect 4 would be set around 100 years following the war. The Reapers and Synthesis green glow would be gone and there would be a new citadel.

Whatever lies in wait with the plot of Mass Effect 4, the game is going to be enjoyed by millions of fans around the world.

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