Samsung Galaxy S4 Tips & Tricks To Keep Android In Shape Into New Year

Okay, so the Samsung Galaxy S4 didn’t have all the whistles and bells of the Note 3, but it has got a few of its own unique features, as well as a few not-so-obvious shortcuts and tricks. Samsung recently posted on their official blog a couple of tips for new Samsung Galaxy S4 owners who bought the phone recently as it approaches its first year anniversary.

If the reputation of Android as a fiddly operating system is a bit daunting for you, don’t worry, as you can simplify the user interface by going into Settings and selecting Easy UI mode.

You can also sync your iTunes music with your Galaxy S4 by using an app – Easy Phone Sync. You can get this app in the Google Play Store, and is a really nifty way to sync all your files.

Of course Smart Stay is one of the Galaxy S4’s best-known features. You can activate this in Settings, so that when you look at the display, it stays on and doesn’t dim until you look away from the screen.

You can also change the fonts on your Galaxy S4 – there are already some fonts on it, and there are yet more available for download at the Play Store.

Have you got a Galaxy S4? Did you know about these tips? Have you found any of your own? Protection Status