Google Handicapped The Moto X

There is no denying that the Moto X is among the best devices ever to come from Motorola. The pre-loaded original apps have been useful, there are plenty of great features and the performance has been satisfying with the Moto X.

However, the Moto X could have been way better than it already is. Word has it that Google’s Larry Page has put the red light on Motorola from making the Moto X a monstrous device. This is rather confusing as it was Google who purchased Motorola Mobility back in 2012 and they refused the company from exceeding expectations which doesn’t make sense at all.

It appears that Motorola has been requesting Google’s help for resources, advertising and support when developing the Moto X but Larry Page ignored these requests. This is due to Larry, being worried that doing so might upset Google’s relationship with bigger partners like Samsung. This is disappointing as the Moto X got neglected by its parent company itself.

Nevertheless, Motorola was able to pull off a stunner with the Moto X and now that Lenovo has bought over Motorola Mobility, fans are certainly hoping that the latter will get more support and freedom in developing future smartphones. Protection Status