Yes, There Is Now An iOS 7.1 Jailbreak Ready But You Will Need To Wait Up

Apple launched their first ever iPhone in 2007 and following it came the jailbreakers. Some months back one of the most well-known of the jailbreakers, the Evad3rs sent out the jailbreak for iOS 7.

Apple came back with iOS 7.1 and this came with plenty of new features, one of which was the Car Play function. It also added in numerous security fixes and this made jailbreaking iOS 7.1 impossible.

Apple also thanked the Evad3rs for pointing out to them the security issues with iOS7, but they then had to eat their words.

After they made the announcement Winocm, a jailbreaker, posted a YouTube video showing the untethered iOS 7.1 jailbreak on the iPhone 4S.

This was just to knock Apple off the pedestal they had placed themselves upon and the iOS 7.1 jailbreak hasn’t been made available to the public. However it does offer a sign that hackers can break into iOS 7.1.

The jailbreak was made on the iPhone 4S and this device has the A4 processor. With the A5, A6 and A7 processors it will be more difficult for the jailbreakers. iH8snOw recently talked about what had already been done with the A5 iOS 7.1 jailbreak.

At the moment if you want a jailbroken iPhone you should avoid making the update. While there are good signs that we may see an official jailbreak, don’t jump the gun. Protection Status