Xbox One Secret Weapon Against PS4 On The Horizon

The Japanese company is currently enjoying a comfortable lead by a huge margin. Census reveals that the PS4 are ahead by about 3 million units. Could this be the end of Microsoft in the gaming industry?

Every gamer will hope not as without a competitor, growth will be somewhat limited. It seems that the issue lies with the pricing of the Xbox One. It is about $100 more than the PS4. This is due to the Kinect system which is forced to the gamers.

More importantly, the native resolution of the Xbox One is at 720p, which is underpowered compared to the 1080p on the PS4. Paying more for something less is a huge turnoff for the gamers.

If Microsoft ever wishes to make a comeback, then they will have to learn a thing or two from their rivals. For a start, allow backward compatibility on the Xbox One. This is among the reasons to why the PS4 is more successful as it don’t leave any games of the past behind.

Then there is the cloud service. The Xbox One desperately needs as it will give a cutting edge against its competitor. The moment PS Now gets released, the death of the Xbox One seems highly likely.

This is the most intense rivalry in the gaming industry and Sony is performing exceptionally well. It is unsure who to blame for the Xbox One’s demise. Could it be complacency? Protection Status