Back in E3 last year, Ubisoft revealed its next biggest project, Watch Dogs. It is almost mid-2014 now and this open world hacking game is nearing its release. However, things have been on a gradual decline since Watch Dog trailer was unveiled in the event last year.
During E3 2013, the video teaser got the gaming community excited as it is graphically superb. Heck, many were calling it the biggest rival to the GTA series. As months went by, more and more video was leaked and/or released. However, there is a pattern in the videos and it is disappointing.
It seems that with every video surfaced, the graphic gets less and less powerful. The textures got blander and there is the absence of shadows in many places.
It is unsure if the issue is with its production or is Ubisoft lowering the tech specs of the game. The fans are surely hoping for it not to be the latter.
In two months’ time, Watch Dogs will debut on the Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, PC and even the Wii U. In that duration, Ubisoft should do something about it or see the hype for Watch Dogs disappear.