Unchartered 4 Release Date: When Will It Hit PS4?

A rumour has been circulating that we may see Uncharted 4 revealed for the PS4 before the holidays. There is no question that a new game would be well received, however you do have to question if maybe the rumours began by people who were just hoping for the best.

A comparison was seen regarding the popularity of Uncharted 4 on the PS4 and The Last of Us 2. But there are a few doubts about Uncharted 4 as the developer might decide to do what they are used to and they might release an all new IP onto the next generation consoles.

We saw an article recently that explored into evidence that kept appearing about the release of Uncharted 4. But is it possible that what is happening is that people are searching so hard that they see things that they want to see?

There is evidence that Uncharted 4 could indeed be in development and there was an announcement at the Spike Video Game Awards.

Maybe there is some truth in the rumours and we may get to see an Uncharted 4 trailer come out in December.

The next instalment may be Uncharted 4: Eye of the Atlantis and this rumour has received traction. Obviously there are a great deal of unanswered questions including the story, the location and the characters.

It would be fantastic to find out what Naughty Dog are capable of doing with the next gen console, however would you prefer it if they showed gamers what they are able to do with a new Uncharted game or a new IP?

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