Top 5 Android Apps That Hit The Play Store Last Month

As the CES is taking place at the moment we thought it would be a good idea to take a look back to December of last year to see what the best apps were at the end of 2013. So without further ado here is what we think are the best 5.

Cal by Anydo is a great alternative calendar app as it offers a superb interface and many features. Along with the calendar doing everything that the Google calendar does it also adds in handy notifications, a widget and it looks great. It has high resolution images as backgrounds, which can be tailored to meet the needs of the users and Google Now style cards for the appointments. It also integrates superbly with Google Maps, Waze, Uber and other social services along with its sister app Any.DO. The user can set reminders based on time or location and it integrates with Google tasks. Check it out over at the Play Store.

Cross DJ is perfect for those who are into music and it comes with automatic functions and Quantize mode to sync music to your beat along with smoothing out any rough bits in live performances. It comes with 15 effects and 16 cue pads, users can choose two pieces of music stored locally. The interface will adjust to fit on large tablets, mid-size and phones. It comes in at $5 and is well worth a look for budding DJs. Cross DJ can be found here.

News+ takes over from where Google Reader left off and it is among the most feature filled news reading apps that have come out for some time. News+ is a lot like the updated version of Greader as it comes from the same people. It works alongside plugins, so you should in theory at least be able to use it with any RSS feed or news service. There is a free version which comes with one service and has advertising. The paid version has podcast streaming, text to speech and widgets for $5.Get it Here.

Cover Lock Screen is in beta at the moment and it puts a twist on the widgets that came with Jelly Bean 4.2. The apps most used can be launched with a single swipe, but the twist is the sneak preview it offers owners. Just move the app a little to the side and owners get a peek behind the app. All the apps, which are the most used and which change with time, can be swept gently to the side allowing owners a peek behind. The backgrounds are location aware and customisable. Pick it up here.

Android Device Manager allows owners to remotely lock, find or wipe any device providing you have an internet connection and without using a computer. All that’s needed is to choose the device and you will see its location. Owners can also make the device ring, which comes in handy if you have misplaced it in the home. Get it over at the Google Play Store Here. Protection Status