Top 3 T-Mobile Smartphone On The Market Right Now

If you’re a T-Mobile customer and your old contract is expiring or already expired, you don’t have to worry about renewing at all as there are plenty of deals worth taking advantage of. It is April 2014 and we have identified 3 of the best T-Mobile smartphones available. They are as follow:

1. iPhone 5S

What is a list of smartphones if it doesn’t have an Apple product in it? The latest iPhone 5S was released late last year and comes with Apple’s innovations like the TouchID and 64-bit A8 processor. It is still among the best phones out there.

2. Nexus 5

Google has done it again with the Nexus 5. The father of Android was able to create a super phone despite it having the smallest price tag of all. At only $399 for the unlocked variant, it is definitely the cheapest alternative out there. Why pay so much for something of the same? Google re-defined value-for-money.

3. HTC One M8

This latest device was just launched a week ago and it is the next-gen smartphone. It is packed with all the latest hardwares around and is also the best looking smartphone yet. This is something really new and might demand more cash for its purchase.

All three phones are the best in T-Mobile’s inventory and getting them will also entitle you a ticket to the telco’s superfast LTE connection. Stop procrastinating and start upgrading now.

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