The iOS 7.1 Evasi0n untethered jailbreak is nothing more than a hoax

Not long after iOS 7.1 was released the jailbreak community was shook to the core as an untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1 was noticed at The website said that the jailbreak for iOS 7.1 worked with the Apple iPhone 5S and you didn’t have to connect your iPhone to the computer.

Some owners of the phone did trust as it was said to have been developed by Joshua Hill, he is known as P0sixninja to the jailbreaking community.

Hill said that he had nothing to do with the jailbreak and that it was nothing more than a hoax. Some owners of the iPhone tried to download the jailbreak and they ended up with floods of ads on their handsets.

The jailbreaking community are now restless as they want the iOS 7.1 jailbreak for the iPhone 5. The Evad3rs haven’t said anything about releasing a jailbreak, so they could be hanging on for iOS 8.

All hope is with Pod2g as he said that if had time he would look into it. Protection Status