Tesla Model S: The Shackles Are On

For the safety of the driver, passenger and pedestrian, Tesla will now come with an updated Autopilot speed limit.

The feature will limit how fast he Tesla Model S is allowed to go on some roads. Tesla has now released a new update for the Autopilot software and the update includes the Autosteer update where the speed of the Tesla Model S will be limited to the speed limit of the road plus an additional 5mph.

Besides that,t he new 7.1 software update will also come with the Autopark feature update that will include the new Summon system. The system will allow drivers to get out of the vehicle and park the car. Tesla added that the system can come in handy when the driver is trying to park the vehicle in tight spaces.

The Software 7.1 Update will also include other software updates like the improve autopilot visualization. The traffic aware cruise control has also been updated as well.

Head here to see the full Software 7.1 update notes.

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