Special Xbox One FIFA 14 Bundle Announcement

Football is the most popular sport in the world and there is no community larger than the football fans itself. In the UK alone, football is like a religion. Even football video games are among the most profitable because of its popularity.

Of course, the best footballing title at the moment is with FIFA 14 and gamers in the UK who have yet to get a copy of the game should do so today. The game is going off on sale over at GameSeek.

The popular gaming retailer is bundling FIFA 14 together with a brand new Xbox One which will see the combined price enjoying a £100 discount. The promotion is called Co-buying which works like Groupon. If more consumers express their interest for the product, the higher the discount tier will be.

The risk is with GameSeek, not announcing on how many people is needed to achieve the £100 discount. Nevertheless, if the conditions are met, gamers can enjoy both the Xbox One and the FIFA 14 at only £299.99.

The deal will run only for a few hours and if you have yet to sign up for the purchase, it is wise to do so now. Meanwhile, GameSeek will also be looking to let go of the latest Titanfall game at only £30 in the near future.

It seems that most of the deals are interesting. As such, gamers are encouraged to sign up for alerts from the retailer and get notified on any deal that might just be what you are looking for.

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