Samsung Galaxy S7: MicroSD Slot Missing!

There are not a lot of details on what the Samsung Galaxy S7 will be offering but it is generally believed that there will be four Samsung Galaxy S7 models available this year.

There will be the standard Samsung Galaxy S7, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and two other larger versions of the models, a, S7 Plus and an S7 Edge Plus model. The biggest mystery right now is whether or not the devices will come in looking like the S6 or will Samsung be offering a new design.

With the design being so new, our prediction is that it is going to look very similar to the S6 at the end of the day. u Switch and seems to be convinced that they’ve figured out the design of the Samsung Galaxy S7 by creating a rendering based on the cases of the device.

Check out the video below to see what they have come out with. One thing we notice is that the rendering does not seem to indicate that the S7 will come with a MicroSD slot, a feature that fans have been hoping would make a comeback.

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