Samsung Galaxy S6: Is Battery Life An Issue?

The Samsung Galaxy S6 is truly a remarkable smartphone to own but it is not flawless at all. There are apparently some issues with the Galaxy S6 but the most frustrating one of them all is with the device’s battery life.

Apparently, the S6 couldn’t last as long as how it is stated on the brochures. Everyone is blaming Samsung for introducing a smaller capacity battery on the S6 but that will not solve the issue.

To achieve better battery life, users will need to find out on the app that has been sucking on the power source. Users can do so by going to your battery settings and take a short note on your battery usage. Put the smartphone on standby for 5 minutes and check again.

If there is some sort of increase in the percentage of usage shown by a third-party application, then it is obviously the culprit for sucking away your power juice. The only way to fix this is through uninstalling the application.

Of course, there are many other methods to improve battery life like through using black wallpaper. This is because colourful wallpapers will require more power to operate. Also, make sure that the unused services are switched off.

If users are to observe the above solutions, they will see a significant improvement to the Samsung Galaxy S6 battery life. Then again, the above is a common problem for a smartphone user hence we don’t think it is an issue at all.

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