It has been a year since the Galaxy S4 was released and the device is equipped with the Snapdragon 600 processor, which was the best one at its time. It is 2014 now and the Galaxy S4 are getting updated to the latest Android 4.4 KitKat.
This latest OS is capable of operating on devices with low memory. With the KitKat on the Galaxy S4, users are expecting a more optimized experience on their smartphone. However, this turned out to be the other way round.
It seems that the KitKat has been restricting the Galaxy S4 from blossoming. Unlike the JellyBean, the KitKat pushes for the device’s processor to keep performing at idling speed. The Galaxy S4 is capable of more things and with such restrictions, it is limited.
A series of test have been done by independent analyst who proves that the KitKat is more of a setback for the Galaxy S4 than something positive. The results are surprising indeed.
It seems that the fault is not with the KitKat but it is with Samsung. The DVFS in the Samsung KitKat ROM is the source of the issue which limits the power on the Galaxy S4. It could be that Samsung is addressing the power consumption issue on the device as clocking the processor higher would mean more power needed.
On the other hand, the Galaxy S4 batteries can be replaced as it is removable. Now, there is a conspiracy that Samsung is killing its old devices to force users to do an upgrade. With the powerful Galaxy S5 coming to town, this theory looks more and more likely.