Samsung Galaxy Note 3: Some Cool Tips & Tricks

If you have recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 then there are some secret features that will allow you to get the full potential out of your handset. Here are 5 hints and tricks which will ensure that you get the best you can out of your brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

1. S Pen Apps

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has something with normal smartphones don’t have and that is the S Pen. A number of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 functions are improved with the S Pen. One of these is the the Sketchbook app. The Sketchbook app becomes useful with drafting, writing and also drawing.

2. Saving the S Pen

As we said above, there are a great deal of features that are better with use of the S Pen. It is crucial that your S Pen doesn’t get lost. Your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has a built-in alarm system that will let you know when the S Pen gets detached from the device. Keep this activated at all times.

3. Memory Optimization.

Apps that you have downloaded take up the Samsung Galaxy Note 3’s Random Access Memory by its background processes. If you switch off the apps that hardly get used then you can increase the memory of your device. Do this by going to Settings > Apps Manager > Click the app > Force Close.

Do be aware that if you restart your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 that the apps could be reactivated.

4. Download Essential Apps

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 obviously already comes pre-installed with a number of great apps, however you will still be required to download other apps like movies apps, games apps, messaging apps and any other utility apps. These apps may be handy for day to day use.

5. Colour Blindness Optimisation

Some people struggle to see colours. For people who are colour blind the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has a special feature to provide you more visibility and make things more comfortable for you. You are able to select an arrangement of tones and shades of colours and the handset will change the display so it’s suitable for you sight. Thank you very much Samsung for this thoughtful idea of yours. Protection Status