Row Of iOS 7 Jailbreak Apps Get Major Updates

One of the apps that have been unleashed by Cydia is biteSMS. Instead of the normal SMS methods, biteSMS comes with plenty of features like the ability to use scheduled message, relay message, quick reply, quick compose and many more. Best of all, it is free of charge or you can get it ad free for $7.99.

Then there is the iCaughtU Pro which is much better than the Find My iPhone service. The latter wouldn’t work well if the device is switched off by the thief. As such, iCaughtU Pro will be the ultimate hero exclusive to all jailbreak users for only $2.50. It prevents the phone from shutting down and independently snaps the face of the thief whenever the passcode is wrongly entered.

Moving on, there is F.lux. This free tweak ensures that the iPhone’s bright display won’t blind you in the middle of the dark night by automatically adjusting the display.

Following that is TetherMe which is basically a tethering service to share your mobile internet connection with computers and such. It is a feature which Apple has missed out on and you can get it for just $4.99.

Finally is BatterySafe. This is another free tweak that automatically extent the iPhone’s battery life by stopping all unnecessary running applications when on standby. Protection Status