Resident Evil 7: When Outlast Meets Silent Hill

We all saw how popular the Silent Hill P.T was when it was first released and after all the attention it got, Konami announce that the game will be canceled. So what do you do if you are Capcom? Well, you steal that idea and hope that it would create the same hype for your game as it did with Silent Hill.

Well, it did. While we do agree that the whole explore the corridor thing does feel like a Silent Hill P.T rip off, but overall, it felt like the demo was more Outlast than Silent Hill with the camera like viewpoint and all.

So far, the fans seems to be loving it but of course, there are other who does not agree on the new direction the game seems to be heading now. There were hints that the game might include some paranormal elements, a feature that was never seen in the previous game.

Then there is the VR Support. With everything they have going on, we think the game has potential although it might not be the real Resident Evil game we were hoping for. Protection Status