To the fans, they are not hoping for Resident Evil 7 at all. All they hope for is a remake of the first trilogy which is loved by the masses. Ever since Resident Evil 4, the genre of the series has changed to a fast paced action gameplay which failed to appeal to the fans.
Fans have been pouring ideas on how a Resident Evil remake of the first trilogy will be much more awesome than before. Perhaps, Capcom can combine both RE0 and RE and call it the Arkay Incident. The same applies for both RE2 and RE3 which should be called Racoon City Incident.
Other suggestions include the prolonging of Code Veronica. More importantly, all of these remakes should emphasise on the horror element. After all, that was the goal of RE. It is to offer players the ultimate horror experience.
If these can be created in time for the VR headset from Sony, the games will be a success indefinitely. Imagine a thrilling atmosphere which can make the players jump with random element of surprise lurking in the corner.
All in all, it is one great idea from the traditional RE fans. Of course, it will definitely hit jackpot if Capcom considers the voices of the Resident Evil community.