Resident Evil 2 Remake Take Back Seat

We know that Capcom is looking to remake the Resident Evil 2 and that the remake will include graphic improvement and more but not matter how excited we are for the Remake version of the game, the fact is that the game is still very far away and we will be wasting our time speculating on what the Resident Evil 2 game will be offering.

Instead of focusing on the Resident Evil 2 Remake, we should be looking at the upcoming Resident Evil 7. New rumors suggest that Capcom might announce the game at E3 this year.

Capcom did ask fans to stay tuned for more new about the next Resident Evil game. The announcement was made in October last year and still no news on what the next Resident Evil game will be all about.

The previous games have been heavily criticized for not being as intense and scary as it used to be and maybe Capcom really wants to get this one right which would explain all the wait.

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