PS4 Demon’s Souls 2 & Project Beast Is One & Identical

Thing got clearer when From Software went out to meet with Sony Japan Studio in regards to Project Beast. Back in the days, Dark Souls was a Playstation-exclusive title and since Project Beast is in talks with Sony, it may be exclusive to the Japanese brand as well.

Then there are the screenshots of Project Beast trailer which has leaked into the internet. The trailer was expected to get unveiled during E3 but it mistakenly went public. Despite being a Project Beast trailer, it looks like a carbon copy of Demon’s Soul 2. As such, many fans avoid the confusion and assumed both titles to be the same game.

On the other hand, From Studios has yet to address this mix-up so it is best to take it with a pinch of salt. Everything will be clear and concise once the game developer talks on E3. Protection Status