Earlier this year, a tweet from Drew James, an Ubisoft Reflections engineer hinted that Ubisoft might be working on a new Prince of Persia game but that was the only detail we have so far.
The tweet which showed some images from the past Prince of Persia game with the tag “what’s next for Prince of Persia” hinted that there might be more of the Price of Persia in the future.
It was initially predicted that the game will be announced at E3 this year but we know that did not happen. Instead of announcing a new Prince of Persia game, Ubisoft announced that the Prince of Persia: Sand of Time was going to be the first free them they will be offering to celebrate their 30th anniversary.
Some fans think that that was it but most of us believe that there is more to the story but Ubisoft is just not ready to announce it yet.