Prince of Persia: Fun While It Lasted

For many of us, the Prince of Persia franchise was easily one of the more memorable game from our childhood and we would do anything to get Bioware to start working on a new Prince of Persia game.

The fans thought that the day has finally arrived when a Reflection staff tweeted an image that suggests that we might hear more about the franchise soon. Since the tweet was tweeted just before E3, every assumes at an announcement would be made at the event.

Well, that did not happen. All we got was Ubisoft announcing that they will be celebrating their 30th anniversary by offering their fans a full month of The Sand of Time.

To be honest, I did enjoy replaying the game on my PC but this was not what we wanted. At this point, there has not been any other indication that a new Prince of Persia game is int he making. Protection Status