Official Samsung Galaxy S3 KitKat Update Wheels Get Rolling

Owners of the Samsung Galaxy S3 have been promised the KitKat 4.4 update and it should arrive once the Samsung Galaxy S5 hits the shelves.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is just one of the devices from Samsung that is going to get the update. The rest includes the Galaxy S3 Mini, Galaxy S4 Zoom, Galaxy S4 Active, Galaxy note 2 and Galaxy Mega.

The tablets are not going to be left out as they too will get KitKat. Samsung has said that the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 along with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 will also get the update.

The update is going to be released per device, not at the same time. It should follow on in a pecking order, with the newest handsets getting updated first. This means that the Samsung Galaxy S3 should be the last handset to receive the update. Protection Status