New MacBook vs MacBook Air: Which One’s Right For You

Apple has some superb laptops on the market with the new MacBook and MacBook Air being two of them. But if you are considering these two you might not know which to go for and what the main differences are between them. So what are they and which is best for you?

One thing that you might want to consider is the fact that the display of the MacBook Air is very outdated. However on the good side is the fact that the battery life is very impressive and you do get good performance from it. The new MacBook offers a superb display, it offers good sound and it’s very lightweight. However if you are into music editing or graphics then it will slow down.

The MacBook Air 13 is one of the best laptops out there for battery life and build quality; however you might prefer a retina display. In this case you are going to have to weigh up whether you want something light to carry around or you want an amazing display and something heavier. The retina MacBook Pro has been said to be the best in the world as it offers great performance, size and weight.

The new MacBook might be a great laptop but the price tag is out of this world. The MacBook Air is also a great purchase so in the end it’s going to come down to how much you want to pay and what you want out of your laptop. Protection Status