NBA 2K15 Cheat, Tips & Tricks: No Free VC Points Needed

The last NBA 2K14 has been a major disappointment due to the fact that it arrived with many bugs, glitches and crashes. Well, the nightmare is now over as 2K has finally skip the fix and launched NBA 2K15 for mobile instead.

Unfortunately, this new title does not come with any free VC Points on a monthly a basis. However, it does offer an in-depth card game like the Madden NFL for mobile. If you are new to this, here are some tips to help you get around.

For starters, it is advisable to always use players in their given positions whenever possible. In Quick Game mode, they’ll get a 10 percent bonus to all stats for playing in the right position. Misplaying the players in Season mode will have undesirable effects as it drains the players’ energy faster.

Also, the moment you utilized uncommon cards, the common players will seem meaningless. However, it is a mistake to take them off your roster as they are like the limbs of the team. Keep playing them around uncommon cards to raise their stats.

Before fusing two cards to turn it into pro version, it is best to max out their levels first. Failing to do so will result in a great loss on the stats.

Enhancements will give permanent boost to the players’ stats. As such, it is important to use them wisely as each card has a limited number of slots on them.

Finally is the Season mode. Once you commence the Season, you will not be able to change your line-up. It is best to stick to the players you have and level them up accordingly.

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