Motorola DROID 5: The Most Wanted Device Right Now

Smartphones with a physical QWERTY keyboard are thought to be extinct but it actually still exist with the DROID smartphones from Motorola.


However, it has been a long while since the DROID 4 got released and the huge fan base are calling out for the DROID 5. This highly-anticipated device is now rumoured to be coming next year during CTIA or MWC.


If this is true, fans are hoping for the DROID 5 to be sized like the DROID 2. The latest DROID 4 has been far too big for the users’ liking. Also, fans are expecting the trademark QWERTY keyboard to attach itself on a slider.


Motorola is surely aware on the popularity of the DROID smartphones and will surely continue its success with the DROID 5.

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