Microsoft Lumia 950: Things Should Be Getting Better

The Microsoft Lumia 950 came in as the first smartphone to run on the new Windows 10 OS by Microsoft and while the hardware itself receive some pretty good review, people were still skeptical about the Windows 10 and who could blame them.

The Microsoft Lumia 950 did not do too bad but it did not do great as well as most of it is because people were not willing to make to switch to the Windows 10 OS. With all the talks about how the Windows OS is lacking is apps and all, people are just not willing to take the risk but things should be getting better for Microsoft this year.

Smartphone users that have actually gone out and bought the Lumia 950 came back with some pretty good review and with Microsoft already working on a few other new smartphones for 2016, we think things will definitely be getting better for them. Protection Status