Microsoft Lumia 888 Made For Ladies? (Concept)

What if you could use a smartphone that doubles up as an accessory too? Ladies, we hear you and we might just have fantastic news for you.

Michael Muleba might be inspired by the idea of creating a concept phone through that, so the designer really went on with it. It’s known as the Microsoft Lumia 888, and it’s a fully curved smartphone that really looks like a chunky bracelet, to be honest.

What we’re to expect of the phone is that it’s going to have a rubber back and polycarbonate body, as well as 20 megapixel Carl Zeiss camera (seriously?) and a 4K display. And wireless charging too. Frankly speaking, though the device looks quite elegant, we’re not certain if it’s made with practicality. But, we can be wrong.

Imagine the struggles of having to pull it out from your pocket (for guys), and being stranded in the mess of your bags (for girls). Do you think this will ever be a hit for the market? Protection Status