Microsoft Lumia 888: If Only It Was Bendable

We have seen more than a few smartphones concepts by artists. There are those that predict what’s going to arrive in the near future and there are others that go further into the future. The Microsoft Lumia 888 rendering by Micheal Muleba belongs to the latter group.

The artist rendered a device that came with a curved screen but unlike some of the curve screen, we have now, the curve screen on the rendered device is made to curve outwards.

While it does look very futuristic, we can’t help but feel that the design is a little impractical. With a design like that, answering calls, storing the device or even using it in your palm is going to be very difficult.

The only way we can see this working is if the screen with bendable. In fact, the idea is not too outrageous at all since we have already seen LG and Samsung showing off their bendable display screen.

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