Mass Effect Andromeda Says Goodbye To Normandy & Mako

With a new game comes some major changes and one of the changes that we will be seeing in the new Mass Effect: Andromeda game is the vehicles.

Vehicles like Normandy will no longer be in the game. In its place now is the new Tempest which EA is showing off on their site right now. The pilot will brief us on the different areas of the ship and also highlight some of the main features about Tempest including its speed.

Mako will be replaced by Nomad, an all-terrain customizable vehicle. EA demonstrate how the mining drones can be deployed to collect resources and more. You can check them out in the video below. We also got to see the new gameplay video that EA released at CES last week.

The new Mass Effect: Andromeda will be release on the 21st of March on the Xbox One, Ps4 and PC. Protection Status