Mass Effect 4: Choosing Your Race May Be More Difficult Than Expected

Mass Effect 4 is the next big thing to come from Bioware and when it arrives, fans are prepared to face the early game dilemmas. Of course, there is no bigger dilemma in anticipation than race picking.

Apparently, fans are giving it a long thought on which race to start Mass Effect 4 with. It is pretty obvious that their choice is expected to last through the next trilogy so it is going to be massive. This is unless they wouldn’t mind spending years playing each and every race.

Then there is the issue with romance. Bioware has already made it known that the protagonist will feature in sex scenes. The issue is not with the sex but with the race. Imagine playing as a Yahg and mating with another Yahg. That will definitely be nightmarish.

On a final note, the race selection also plays a major role in a possible side quest. Every race has their own conflicts that need resolve and it will also influence on the dialogues in Mass Effect 4.

With that being said, fans are highly encouraged to start researching and prepare if for the race selection feature. As long as they pick the ones they love, it should be fine for the players in Mass Effect 4.

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