The LG G2 was a really popular smartphone from 2013 due to its affordable price and powerful hardwares. Heck, Google even used the device to shape its Nexus 5 smartphone. This explains why there are tons of LG G2 users around and they are all waiting for the Android 5.0 Lollipop update.
LG has already confirmed that the G2 will get updated to the latest OS accordingly but has failed to share on when that may happen. On the other hand, G2 users can already pick up the update as it is now available over at XDA.
Independent developer, Rashed97 has already developed a custom ROM containing the Android 5.0 Lollipop specifically for the LG G2 D800, D801, D802, LS980, and VS980 models.
However, users should also note that the custom ROM is still in its early build and there are some issues with it. Rashed97 was kind enough to share that the known problems are with the GPS and video recording function. For the LS/VS980 variants, there is an added issue that involves the cellular network.
The good news is that Rashed97 vowed to personally push out a future update that will see the issues fixed. With that being said, G2 users are heavily encouraged to apply the update. If you are a G2 user, then you can check out our instructions below on how to acquire the Android 5.0 Lollipop.
1. Make sure a backup is created and the device is already rooted with CWM. We recommend doing so with NANDROID.
2. A minimum of 50% battery life to ensure no disruption when installation is taking place.
3. CM12 ROM ZIP downloaded for the G2.
4. Google Apps Package downloaded.
Flashing Instruction
1. Transfer both the Custom ROM and Google Apps Package to your G2.
2. Boot device into recovery mode and wipe cache, data and system partition.
3. Flash the CM12 ROM.
4. Then, Flash the Google Apps Package.
5. The G2 should reboot and it will run on the Lollipop OS.